Policies & People
Policy Manual
Strategic Plan*
*Share your feedback on our new Strategic Plan through our survey.
Meet the Staff
Expectations of CEQL Employees
Board of Trustees
CCPLS Foundation
The Campbell County Public Library System serves the county in four locations. The library is governed by an appointed library board of trustees who set policy and serve as liaisons between the community, the library, and elected officials.
Our Mission
The Campbell County Public Library System is dedicated to meeting the evolving educational, informational and cultural needs of the public.
Our Vision
To be the information foundation for a thriving community; the before and after school years institution for learning.
Our Priorities
- Information Fluency
- Lifelong Learning: Early literacy, Family literacy, School success, Senior Engagement
- Connection to WWW
- Workforce Development
CCPLS does not discriminate on the basis of disability and upon request will provide reasonable accommodations to ensure equitable access to its programs, services, and activities. To request an accommodation for any of the Library’s programs, services, or activities, please inform the Library Director of your accommodation request at least 7 days prior to the activity date or service need, using email (Ljwelborn@co.campbell.va.us) or phone 434-332-9657.