Leprechaun Trap Kit Pickup – all CCPLS locations
Pick up a simple and silly kit (while supplies last) to create a leprechaun trap at home! The kits will be at all four CCPLS locations the week of March 4 – 9, during regular open hours. Households are welcome to grab one kit per child.
Feel free to submit a story and picture to campbellevents@co.campbell.va.us about how you would get caught by your trap if you were a leprechaun. One winning story and trap will be selected.
Our event page is at campbellcountylibraries.org/leprechauns.
CCPLS does not discriminate on the basis of disability and upon request will provide reasonable accommodations to ensure equitable access to its programs, services, and activities. To request an accommodation for any of the Library’s programs, services, or activities, please inform the Library Director of your accommodation request at least 7 days prior to the activity date or service need, using email (Ljwelborn@co.campbell.va.us) or phone 434-332-9657.